Chapter 5

The heavy sound of their footsteps beat an awkward rhythm upon the planked wood walkways. Any other time Garland would have been embarrassed to have someone walk him home. Tonight he would not object. His eyes scanned the deepening twilight as it pressed down upon the thatched roofs, fearing that he'd hear the screech of the shadowy winged beast at any moment.

What's to be afraid of? You've got the most powerful Mage in the village right here…

There was a heavy sound as Vivi managed to fall face first over his own feet.

… On the other hand…

"Are you okay?" Before he realized what he was doing, the boy found himself reaching a hand down to the Mage. The internal chill froze him in the middle of the motion.

Damn it! Why do I always get up-tight around him? He's never done anythin' to me.. and he sure as hell got my ass out of serious trouble this afternoon.

Vivi took the half-offered help, much to Garland's surprise, steadying himself carefully. "Thanks.. I'm okay. I just tripped. That's all."

Besides… if I'm right about this whole Mr. 299 deal, I have a feelin' I'm gonna be needin' Vivi's help sometime in the future.

The little Mage adjusted the brim of his oversized hat, then nearly tripped again as he started forward.

Garland felt his tail droop.

He just wanted to get home to supper. He was starving.

"This whole argument… I am not understanding.." Mikoto's voice seemed to carry further than needed, rippling from the surface of the stream.

The boy winced. This was really not a time to be talking so loudly.

"What exactly happened today in the Glade?"

"Yeah." Vivi echoed Mikoto's question. "Tell us what happened."

Garland felt a flush rise in his cheeks. "I.. don't really know. It was weird, like a dream. I just went to the Glade because.. I thought it was silly that we weren't allowed to go there…"

"Hmph… seems like you are getting what you deserve, then." Mikoto turned her back to him and continued walking.

I hate it when she gets that superior I-am-WOMAN-hear-me-roar tone…

"You're not even listening to me!" Garland demanded, furiously.

He felt a slight touch on his arm.

"I'm listening, Garland." Vivi said. "Please tell me."

"Well…" The boy was getting nervous under the little Mage's stare. "I saw this weird rock in the middle of the Glade. It was kinda cool.. but maybe a little boring too. It had all those weird Mage scribbles on it.. you know what I'm talking about?"

Vivi nodded.

"I just reached out to touch it… not really thinking about it or anything.. then this weird light came out of nowhere. From the rock."

"A light from the rock?" Mikoto sounded doubtful.

"Like magic light. It was really doped-out."

Vivi was still watching him.

"Then there was a really loud sound.. I… don't remember… I think… I was knocked out or something. Because when I woke up, I saw the rock there, broken."

They didn't say anything. It was like they were waiting for something else.

"That's what really happened."

"You expect us to believe that nonsense?" Mikoto gave the closest thing to a frown that she could. "I suspect it's all a fabrication. Rocks do no break because of touch. They do not give off magic light."

Garland nearly stormed after her, but found Vivi in between them.

"Dammit! You asked me! I told you the truth! Now you're callin' me a liar! I don't need this shit from you Mikoto. I've had one hell of a day!"

"Garland." Vivi simply stated, a slight flicker behind his eyes.

Garland took a step back unintentionally.

Shit.. what am I doin' getting' all up in Vivi's face?

But the little Black Mage didn't seem upset. "Don't worry about what other people t-think, okay? Even if they don't believe you.. still hold on to what you feel is the truth."

Somehow Garland understood that.

Maybe Vivi really is as smart as everyone says he is.

"Vivi, you believe this hellion?" Mikoto spat. She was obviously not pleased that Garland could get away with spouting bad language at her.

Vivi didn't reply.

"Listen, Mikoto. I'm not making it up." The boy snarled. His tail was lashing fiercely.

"You guys… It doesn't matter how the stone got broken." The little Mage extended his arms slowly, forcing Garland and Mikoto to step away from each other. "What is important now is that we find a way to fix it."

Mikoto's eyes flashed in the darkness.


"I… suppose that strikes some logic, yes." Mikoto agreed. "But I do advise you not to take that knave along. He will only end up making more of a mess."

Garland felt his spirits falter. She was being so mean to him… but she was probably right. He was nothing but trouble. He'd never be good for anything else.

"I think…" Vivi replied. "Garland will be a big help."

Something caught in the boy's throat at the words.

Does he… really think so?

Garland wanted to ask aloud, but he knew Mikoto would only make fun of him again. She seemed to have nothing to say to Vivi's thoughts.

The little Black Mage continued walking.

The boy shook his head and picked his own pace up to a trot. He could see the door to his house just up ahead. He couldn't wait for supper.

I've really gotta try to help. I don't know why someone like Vivi is bein' so nice to me. After everything I did today. I don't deserve it. That's why I gotta help out. Gotta find an answer.

The sound of the night grew loud to his ears.

Things will work out. They always do. I'll work really hard to make it all up to Mr. 44 starting tomorrow. I'll try to be good… Won't set any more houses on fire… or pluck anymore feathers from Bobby Corwin's tail… or dump oglops into the well… or run Mr. 192's cat up the tree…or hide their staffs just to see how long it takes for people to notice they're gone… or steal their hats and run... damn they hate it when I do that…

Vivi and Mikoto were chatting, paused at the door to his house. They must have been talking about something interesting. He heard the word "Zidane" briefly pass between them. The little Mage began bouncing idly on the toes of his boots.

I should thank them for walking me home.. I really was scared.. but I feel better now.

Garland reached for the door lever. "Would you… like to stay for supper?"

The words were strange to him. He never had company over.

"…Um… um…" Vivi paused in his discussion to look over at the boy. "I.. wouldn't mind.. if it's okay with Mr. 44…"


"I have not partaken of any life-sustaining substance for most of the day."

"Um….." Garland scratched his head. "Okay…"

I guess that's a 'yes'.

Mikoto almost smiled.

Garland almost smiled back. Then he leaned his weight upon the wooden door and followed its track as it swung inward.


I hit him, a feeling unlike any he had ever felt.

He had always been able to seek out, sense the pulse of life in other creatures. But this.. this was the opposite of life.. this was..


A fear swept through him. His body would not respond to his plea of motion. The inside of his mouth was brittle and stale.


"G-Garland? Are you okay?" Vivi's voice carried through the void of his mind. A gentle touch on his arm brought the boy around.

"Something… is… wrong.." Garland nearly choked on the words.

The room was dark, dark in a way it never usually was. The boy took a step inside, slowly, feeling the wood under his feet, sensing his way through the shadows. His tail quivered slightly, accidentally touching something behind him… Vivi. The little Mage drew up close at his side.


There was a shimmer in the air, the drawing of heat to one spot. If Garland hadn't been numbed through and through, he might have drawn back in alarm as a tiny flame leapt from Vivi's upraised palm. A flickering, warm glow forced the shadows into the far corner.


Everything looked okay. Things were as he had left it.

I-I… must be imagining things… I'm.. just sykin' myself out.. that's all…

Mr. 44 was lounging in his favorite chair by the table. There had been a candle lit there, but it had been allowed to burn itself out. The Mage looked to be soundly asleep.

"I-I'm sorry…" Garland shook his head. "I… thought I heard something.. that's all.."


Vivi carefully guided the flame to light the tip of another candle set out by the low-built wooden bed. It danced dizzily.

"It looks like Mr. 44 didn't get around to makin' supper after all.. Sorry…"

Shoulda known he'd just fall asleep like that. He's been sleepin' all the time lately.

The boy reached out to shake the big Mage awake.


"Mr. 44?"

There was no answer.

The boy shook him harder. "Mr. 44? Wake up…"


He could feel Vivi and Mikoto at his back.

A ringing began in his ears.


"Mr. 44.. it's supper time… Wake up…"

The big Mage shifted slowly to one side, his arm drifting as if reaching towards the boy. A pale glow lit his eyes for only a moment, flickering like a flame in the wind.

"G-Garland…." His voice was barely a whisper.

Then his hand dropped heavily as the light of his eyes faded.

~Chapter 6~