Japanese Text Clears Up Debate

Where is the proof in Japanese text that the final scene was narrated by Vivi and not someone else? It's all in one word.. the word "I". In Japan, there are lots of words that can be used when refering to oneself as "I". And in Final Fantasy IX, different characters with different attitudes soke many different ways.

Zidane- "ore", in Katakana, sorta a slang word.
Garnet- "watashi" or "watakushi", in hiragana, a rather polite form.
Steiner- "jibun" a term used by soldiers.
Freya- "watashi" in kanji.
Quina- "watashi" in katakana.
Amarant- "ore" in kanji.
Eiko- "Eiko" in a childlike way.
Vivi- "boku" in Katakana, a somewhat polite form.

In the final scene, "boku" is used by the narrator. Seeing that Vivi is the only character that uses this form, it is easy for the Japanese text to show that it is indeed Vivi talking, saying a final farewell to his friends.

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